Egg and Potato Curry/ Mutta Palu Curry


This is one of the traditional ways of cooking eggs among Kerala Christians and is known as ‘Mutta Palu Curry’.  My grandmother and my mother used to make it more often than the usual ‘Egg Masala’.  For me, this recipe comes handy when my freezer is empty :))  I mean, when there is no meat and fish available!  It can be made for breakfast, lunch and dinner since it goes well with appam, puttu, idiyappam, bread, rice or rotis!


Eggs – 6

Potatoes – 4 medium

Onion – 1 sliced

Ginger – 1″ piece chopped

Garlic – 2 chopped

Green chillies – 4 slit

Curry leaves – 2 sprig

Thin coconut milk – 2 cups

Thick coconut milk – 1/2 cup

Coriander powder – 3 tsp

Turmeric powder -1 tsp

Pepper powder – 1 1/2 tsp

Garam masala – 1 tsp

Mustard seeds – 1 tsp

Vinegar – 2 tbsp

Salt – to taste

Oil – 2 tbsp



In a pressure cooker, cook the eggs and potatoes with 2 cups of water for 5 minutes.  Let it cool.  Peel and quarter the potatoes.  Remove the shell and cut the eggs into halves.  Heat oil ( coconut oil is preferred) in a pan and add onions, ginger, garlic, green chillies and curry leaves.  Fry till the onions turn light brown.  Add all the spice powders and fry for a minute.  Now add the thin coconut milk, vinegar and salt.  When it boils, add the potatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.  Finally add the thick coconut milk, mix well and switch off the fire.  Place the eggs in a serving dish and pour the curry on top and serve.

  1. Eggs in coconut milk looks delicious. My favorite too. Bookmarking it.

  2. This is delicous Lissie, I adore potato curries so I just drooling over yours! 😛

  3. I have used potatoes with Egg!!! looks very creamy and a nice color!!!

  4. Vicky, make the curry and let me know… I am sure you are going to love it! 😉

  5. Thanks a lot Jeena and Ramya! I am happy that you both loved it. 😀

  6. I love this muta curry, something mom used to make quiet often as it was delicous with appom, rice or chapathies.

  7. yes Happy, it makes one nostalgic! 🙄

  8. Though this is one of my favourite dishes, I don’t know why I don’t make it often. Go figure!

  9. this looks delicious. And did you say cook the eggs with the potatoes in pressure cooker?? won’t it get over cooked?

  10. Yummy..I like this much but never get rite!

  11. yum this looks! i love potato and egg combo!

  12. superchef, i cook it only for 5 minutes in the pressure cooker. it will be perfect! 😉

  13. Thank you Cynthia, Priti and Nags! make the curry and let me know… 🙂

  14. WOw the egg curry with coconut milk awesome combo i always love…yummy looking and mouthwatering. Love to have with rice and parotta, or roti

  15. Thanks for the reciepe ! My mom used to make the same. Being a beginner in kitchen, i dont know how to take thin milk and thik milk from coconut. How much of grated coconut is need to get 2+1 cup of milk? Could u please advise?

  16. Hi Nancy, thanks a lot for visiting my blog! I appreciate your interest in traditional cooking! To get 1/2 cup of thick coconut milk, take 2 cups of grated coconut and add a little warm water to it. Mix it thoroughly with your hand and squeeze it through a sieve. Keep aside this thick milk. Again repeat the process 2 or 3 times to collect the thin coconut milk. But nowadays even I don’t make coconut milk this way. Instead, I use the store-bought coconut milk. You can also use coconut milk powder or coconut cream. Dilute it to get the right consistency.

  17. Thank you Pavithra, for your love and support! 😉

  18. Thank You Lissie. I prepared this curry and i liked it alot. I was very satisfied when i had it, it tasted exactly as my mom cooked. My hubby also liked it. Thanks again.

  19. Nancy, glad to hear that you liked the curry a lot! why don’t you try my other recipes too and let me know about the result? Thank you!

  20. Hi Lissie,
    I was searching for this recipe for quite a long time.. and seeing this yday night i was so happy.. so today as soon as i got back from office i am making it.. thanks for sharing.. this dish really gives me a nostalgic feeling since my grand mom used to make this most of the time during my child hood.. thank u…

  21. Thank you Sarah for visiting my blog! Hope you made the curry and liked it as well 🙂 plz do try my other recipes too…

  22. hello!
    this recipe looks amazing. have you also added tomatoes in the above curry? there are some red specks in the pictures above?

  23. Hi Pri,

    Welcome to my blog! I have not added any tomatoes in this egg curry. What you see in the pictures are ripened green chillies 🙂 Please try this recipes and let me know about the outcome…

    Happy cooking,

  24. thanks for answering my query. tried it the recipe, but used maggi coconut powder to make the milk. it was yummy 🙂
