Kalan/ Raw Banana Curry with Yoghurt

‘Kalan’ is an authentic Kerala dish which is served for ‘Onasadhya’.  It can be made with raw bananas, yam or with a combination of raw bananas and yam.  It goes well with steamed rice.

This traditional Kerala recipe goes to Shanthi for the event ” State Specials”



Raw Bananas – 3

Turmeric powder – 1 1/2 tsp

Pepper powder – 3/4 tsp

Fenugreek/ Uluva powder – 1/4 tsp

Salt – to taste

Grated coconut – 2 cups

Jeera/ Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp

Green chillies – 3

Yoghurt – 750 ml

Mustard seeds – 1 tsp

Curry leaves – 3 sprigs

Dry red chillies – 4 broken

Coconut oil – 1 tbsp


Remove the skin of the bananas, wash and slice them into thick pieces. Put them in a vessel and add turmeric powder, pepper powder, fenugreek powder and salt.  Pour enough water to cover the bananas and cook covered till done.  Stir in between.  Meanwhile, grind the grated coconut, cumin seeds and green chillies to a fine paste.  Add this paste to the cooked bananas and mix well.  Beat the yoghurt well and pour over it.  Keep on stirring the curry and cook on a low flame till it boils.  Switch of the flame.  In another pan, heat oil and add mustard seeds.  When it splutters, add the red chillies and curry leaves.  Put off the flame immediately and pour it over the curry.  Mix well and serve hot with rice.





Thanks a million times to Sangii for sharing these Awards with me!!!

The rules for the Kreativ Blogger award is as follows:-
1.You must mention the person who has given you the award.
2.Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3.Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
4.Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5.Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6.Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7.Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

To know more about me click here

I am tagged!!!!!!!

1. What is your current obsession?

Planning for the family get together for Onam in Singapore.  I’m leaving for Singapore on the 28th.

2. What are you wearing today?

Salwar Kameez

3. What’s for dinner?

Chappathi, Channa masala and Fish curry

4. What’s the last thing you bought?

Shirts for Michael

5. What are you listening to right now?

Sound of the fan

6. What do you think about the person who tagged you?

She was a wonderful blogger…a sister to me!  I’m praying for her good health!

7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?


8. What are your must-have pieces for summer?

Cold water, Fruit juices, Perfumes and Talcum powder

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?


10. Which language do you want to learn?


11. Who do you want to meet right now?

My children…longing to meet them in Singapore

12. What is your favourite colour?

Baby Pink

13. What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own closet?

Pants and Kurti

14. What is your favourite hobby other than Cooking?


15. What’s your favourite magazine?

Prevention, Good House Keeping

16. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?

Armani Code

17. Where do you love to go for vacation with your loved ones!!!

New Zealand is always a dream!!!

18. Who are your style icons?


19. Describe your personal style?

Elegant and Classy

20. What are you going to do after this?

Watch TV

21. What is your favourite music?

Songs by Michael W. Smith

22. What inspires you?

Bible…the source of Wisdom and the essence of Life!!!

23. Give us three styling tips that always work for you:

Be Unique, Simple and Elegant

24. Coffee or tea?

Bru Coffee and Lipton Yellow Label Tea!

25. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?

Hear devotional songs or simply go out and have a nice time!

26. What is the meaning of your name?

‘Alice’ in Wonderland???  🙂

27. Which other blogs you love visiting?

I love visitng all my blog friends!

28. Favorite Dessert/Sweet?


29. Favorite Season?


30.Whats your pet name?

The rules are: Respond and rework – answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, and add one more question of your own. Then tag eight or ten other people.

If you have already received these Awards ignore it!!

I would like to share these Awards and tag with some fellow bloggers!!!

Preethi, EC, Viki, Prajusha, Parita, Superchef, Padma and Anu

  1. Yummy Kalan Lissie..without which a malayalee cant survive..happy reading your meme..hugs

  2. Thank you Ann for your love and support! 🙂

  3. Looks so good and lovely

  4. Thanks a lot Pavithra!

  5. Such an authentic dish..loved reading your meme..

  6. Kalan curry looks so delicious. Love to try this recipe for the weekend. Congrats on ur well deserved awards. Thanks for sharing it with me.. I feel elated to get it from u dear.
    Armani code….its interesting. True words on Bible…
    Nice to read about u. Happy vacation dear.

  7. yummy dish !!
    lovely recipes to try on …….
    pls stop by at my blog if u get a chance

  8. Thank you Priya!

  9. Vicky, plz try it and let me know…you inspire me too!:) Thank you dear!

  10. Curry looks fantastic! congratulations on your award dear and thanks a ton for sharing the same with me 🙂

  11. Dear Parita, thanks a lot for your lovely comment! 🙂

  12. chechy, could you tell the quantity of ingredients in this dish is how many servings. kindly respond:)awesome recipe and infor for a novice like me.

  13. Hi Abinsha,

    Welcome to my blog! This quantity will be sufficient for 8 servings. Please do try my other Onam special dishes too..

    Happy Cooking,


  14. I tried the above recipe….but with a lil twist…i was too lazy to scrape coconut..so i made the same without coconut…instead i crushed jeera, mustard & green chilli together and mixed…to the curry..finally added thick curd!..I loved it!
