Strawberry Delight Pudding

‘Strawberry Delight Pudding’ was created by me out of necessity and it turned out awesome!  My dear friend Happy Cook is hosting the event “Strawberry Feast”.  Here in India strawberries are not in season.  So I had to look for other options and came up with the idea of making a dessert using ‘strawberry crush’.  I think you can also use ‘strawberry syrup’.  I was in a hurry to take the pictures and did not wait for the pudding to set completely. Please see that you allow enough time for the pudding to set firmly before serving.  Anyways, it was super delicious!  This dessert is for all those who love strawberries!

This goes to Happy Cook’s event


Condensed milk – 400 gm

Full cream milk – 500 ml

Strawberry crush – 5 tbsp

China grass – 10 gm

Water – 1 1/4 cups

Fruit cake – 200 gm


Cut the china grass into small pieces and soak it in water for 10 minutes.  Pour the condensed milk, milk and the strawberry crush into a saucepan.  Heat it through stirring constantly till steam starts coming out of it.  Do not boil the mixture.  Keep it aside.  Melt the soaked china grass on a low flame.  Add it to the milk mixture and mix well.  Strain the mixture through a sieve and allow it to cool.  Arrange the cake pieces in a pudding dish.  When the pudding is half set, pour it over the cake pieces and allow it to set firmly in the fridge.  While serving, garnish with droplets of strawberry crush.  Enjoy!

Lissie: A daughter, wife, mother, sister, and a mother-in-law. A post graduate, housewife, business woman and a missionary.

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